Wednesday, August 7, 2019

What a walk! Or; how my neighbors wish the streets were a mile wide

   When I left the apartment this morning it was just getting light out. The air was lovely, smelling of honeysuckle and fresh cut grass... although I hate manicured lawns. I suppose if you're going to be surrounded by them might as well enjoy how they smell. However-- the smell of the chems used to make the grass green always permeates the good smells. There's always chemicals. And someone in the apartment complex is emptying something outside their apartment that is killing the grass. It looks like motor oil. People are horrible.Well, people are stressed and do not have the time or where-withal sometimes to go to the store, buy an approved container, change the oil then take the old oil to the car parts store for proper disposal. We need to get rid of fossil fuels altogether. I do not know that person's struggles, and I have poured oil out on the ground myself in my youth.

     I passed a couple that were middle aged like me. The man turned to look at me and dropped his smile and his wave faltered. When I drew even with his wife and said good morning, she did not speak but her jaw dropped and she did make eye contact but it was fleeting.  I bid them good morning and booked it on down the road. Yesterday a soccer mom with 3 dogs in tandem harness stopped, shaded her eyes and stared at me from across the street. I suppose large boobs and hairy legs and a mohawk make people around here flip the fuck out. Oh well. They are trying to discern if I cause a threat or maybe they are so absolutely confounded by a trans person that it literally crosses some wires for them. Well, only 10 more days to endure this. It's why I didn't walk as much as I should have in the past-- but now, emerging from my shell, I am practicing not caring.   So... here is what I looked like before coming out as Transgender ...

... and here is what I look like after coming out as a transman: (same clothes I was wearing this morning on the walk)

They had to get as far away from me as quickly as possible. I just stood there and waited for them to put some distance in so they'd feel safer

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