Friday, September 27, 2019

3 days of peace

I mean, I had three days without Mike around.  Hear keys in the door then there's a woman in my room sitting on my bed and I'm freaking out; it's his ex and she's there to tell me I HAVE to go get Mike's car so i can pick him up in the morning. Holy fuck I did not want to so I told her no but she talked me into it; I was tempted to run right then but she promised to talk to him and she did and he was contrite enough that the morning wasn't horrid when I picked him up at the jail.

  Then he drove himself to work and got in trouble for it, he's not supposed to drive himself anywhere. And now I have his ex g/f's support, and the next door neighbor's support. Mike's supposed to be in jail when not at work, and I'm not going to allow him to hang out here if he's not working. I'm just not. Right now as it stands,
Mike is to be in jail when not at work according to his work release. He's not to drive. If he violates these rules I will be calling his ex who will chastise him then call the police if necessary.

  This has him in the apartment only an hour here and an hour there. I'd say though that for being in jail having an hour in your apartment to shit shower and shave and get your high on is quite the luxury. Much less 2 hours.

  Been texting and messaging B. a lot, it's really nice to finally get to know her. I was not receptive to her exoticness when we were together. But she IS amazed at how much I remember from our time together, she does not remember much of it. I'm finding out such interesting and sorrowful and lovely things about her.

  M. sent me a birthday card... B. was going to but asked first and I said dont', no one knows how long I'll be here. But M. didn't ask and just sent it, so it was nice to get. Very nice card. B. is going to transfer me money. What dear friends I have ... that I rarely see. I need friends that I can see... but for now these are the best remote friends one can have. M. goes above and beyond for me. It's touching every single day.

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3 days of peace

I mean, I had three days without Mike around.  Hear keys in the door then there's a woman in my room sitting on my bed and I'm freak...