Thursday, August 29, 2019

It is done.

I'm going to have to order a lapboard ... no room in here for a desk or anything. But I got my computer set up, and I think I will play some Fallout 76, to settle my nerves.

  I told Mikey I'd pay him 400 today, the balance of the rent after the deposit. Minus the ... 15 for gas, ok so. I walked to ALDI which is like 1/20 of a mile away and I thought I was going to fall down. I have not been this tired since boot camp at Fort Leonard Wood. Every fiber of my poor being is shredded. Even my back hurts. I have done no physical labor in 4 years. I'm nothing but skin and bone now with just some old flab and old muscle flapping and wow it's hard out here like that. But struggling up the hill there, that tiny hill-- I remembered Chicago; and living in Pilsen. Hoo boy I was not ready then. Now I'd be in hog heaven...  but I was so terrified of being in Pilsen and walking to the trains. Daily of a morning I'd be chugging through the wind or rain trying to get to the train praying no one would kill me outright. How ridiculous.

   Well if Mike wants the rest he can tote me over to Walmart. Good god I think I'll be getting an accent before I leave here. I really really wish I was in Portland but now I know one fact: I'd have died if I had tried to move these boxes and all in the Portland heat, down from K's garage loft. I'd have not been able to. I'd be laying out right now just given up. Good thing I did not go try to punch a nazi before I got back into shape.

  The Greenway is right down the road and there's a bike path that goes all the way to the river. Now, I have absolutely ZERO excuses to NOT FISH. Haha, at last, something to do. I'm going to get myself in shape enough to ride the bike to the river and fish. While saving up for a place in Portland.

  I had 2000 dollars earlier today. I now have half that. Between my sister asking for 200 more and the moving guy and getting a new phone plan and Uber and paying this place it's going fast as fuck. If it wasn't for M I'd be going hungry for a long while.
  Sure wish I was better organized at packing , now I can't find anything. I need to trim my fingernails badly. And-- wow, how odd it is to fit every single thing you own into one room. 

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