Saturday, August 10, 2019


    Had a sharp pain in the left side of my head that lasted approx. 20 seconds. That never happens.  Just once though.

    Heart rate was elevated a bit this morning. That hasn't happened since I got off my sleep meds. I'm noting it all down. I ate breakfast and could taste the steak and the eggs but they didn't taste as good as they usually do.It's like my taste buds were ... dimmed.  I mean that would be the ultimate fuck you from life. Go to Yoko's and ... can only taste like half? WTF ... I hope this corrects. I ate a bite of a confectionary just to see what it tasted like. It did not give the usual delightful mouthfeel that it should. Food is just like water to me now. GREAT.

     And now I have back pain, and the underside of my rib cage in the very front is tender. No, was tender, it's gone now. But it's a pain I've never had before. Ditto back pain. I do not get headaches, ever, or back aches, or rib pain.

   My brother is here and my sister is so happy. They are like, married. It's so weird. but it's easy to see how people might fall into incestual relationships. I mean my sister has said things to me that made me really fucking uncomforable.

   Like she has asked me to rub her feet in sexy type of voice (GROSS FUCKING GROSS) and has asked me to sleep with her to cuddle, having never done so in 56 years. Her brain is fucked from isolation and she'd be totally happy forever if I fell in line and became her spouse, the fucking weirdo. Oh lord it's upside down world in this apartment. 

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