Tuesday, August 13, 2019


  Sis took me to get my blood drawn and I hated every minute of it. She's trying to ask me shit about my doctor's office visit and I'm in hellworld trying to concentrate, trying to speak, trying to walk... she walks up ahead of me while I stumble along, listing to starboard. I embarrass her so much she can't even OFFER help.

  The medical mall is a big impersonal shit hole where you sit and wait to get your blood drawn. The phlebotomist was nice. He reminded me of my brother David. Acne scars, but beautiful hair.  I was wondering if he was cis. Beautiful face. I really need to get out more.

  They make you sign in on a huge tablet and it says "Do you have insurance?" and I yelled at it. YES I HAVE INSURANCE THANK GOD OR they would leave me TO DIE ON THE STREET!  -- the nurse was not pleased with this.

  I learned that there is a smaller needled used for needle-phobes like me, it's called a 'butterfly'.  This information will never be lost from my brain.

  Made breakfast this morning ... a bit too late. I had forgotten I needed to fast before the draw. I made brekkie at 11 a.m. - too late to eat and then fast 6 hours before the draw. So I put it all back in the fridge. On the way home from the med mall, I was so hungry I was nodding off in the car. I look over and see a guy in a van and lo and behold, he has a vault boy bobblehead statue on his dash. I know what I must do.

  We stopped at a light and I start trying to get his attention. Finally he turns to me and I say "HEY! BRO! ANOTHER SETTLEMENT NEEDS YOUR HELP!"  he gives me this confused look and then it dawns on him and he smiles.

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