Friday, August 9, 2019


  Done giving examples of narcissist sibling. Let us say that her behavior is wretched enough that I will be mentally blocking her voice and face. From here forward I have to think of her as a ... as MEDUSA! HaHA! EUREKA! Yes ... Medusa will do nicely.

   For if I gaze at my sister for even a moment there is a chance of getting sucked into her weird fantasy world. I had a thought earlier... I imagined myself running around this apartment like I paid rent, doing whatever I pleased whenever I pleased. I mean within reason, like a normal person. Say... getting a snack at 2 am. That sounds really fucking pleasant to me. Or, taking a shower at 6 am if I woke up sweaty. That sounds fucking fantastic. How about... oh this is getting sexy... how about having some people over for dinner? Ooooo yeah baby.

   How about having my closet freed up to put stuff in? How about there not being my dead brother's couch in my bedroom? How about I picked my own bath towels and shower curtain? Oh man I'm getting hot. This is hot. I'm imagining that PSYCHO shower curtain I like so much with the matching  bathmat . Which, I realize, is totally passe (how DO you make accents on American keyboards anyway, I must look into that) but I have always wanted it and so I will have it one day.  She thinks people will be put off by it. I say if anyone doesn't get a chuckle out of that why even bother knowing them?

     IMAGINE... me, waking into the kitchen in the morning while it is in there, going to the stove and cooking breakfast instead of waiting 2 hours until it leaves... Oh baby. Yeah, that's the ticket. I realized recently she can't call the cops on me because ... I have some knowledge. She'll not be calling the police on me anytime soon. This family is so full of assholes. Narcissists and hypocrites. Typical Democrats. This entire family is full of lying thieves and yet I am the one who is always going to jail. I think that is the textbook definition of the scapegoat/black sheep.

NOTE: here is how you do the accents! It's a windows setting. I'm not sure I want to go to the trouble though.

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