Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My stuff is stored

So now I'm down to just a few things. I have been getting rid of excess weight and condensing things. There are still things I will get rid of before I leave the state, like ... face lotion and razors and clippers. Stuff I will hang on to until I leave. So I have been throwing out clothes and shoes and all kinds of crap.

  My friend Mikki came up from Birmingham to gather my belongings for me. Now 90 percent of my stuff is in a safe place. Free storage, Mikki's the best. Now I have my bike & desktop which I will probably trade for a really  nice Chromebook. The bike ... man it's going to be too hot to ride it right up until it's cold, looks like. I wont be using it.

 Still pissed off at Sammy. I could so use a good friend right now and thinking I had one that was going to be on this journey with me... only to find out that they are lazy, boring bougie twats, well that is going to rankle for some time. Emotionally lazy I mean. I do not give a flying fuck how hard you work at your stupid bougie job. You said you'd be there and you dropped me like a hot potato after leading me on and you can suck it. I'm still pissed off.

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