Saturday, September 10, 2011

Next Adventure Radio Ad I entered a contest on Facebook and won. My prize was to record a radio ad for Next Adventure Outdoor Gear store PLUS I got 200 bucks worth of merchandise.

***I cannot get this file to work but I do not want to give up on it*** 

I will keep trying to make this a live link.

Multnomah Falls

K took me to Multnomah Falls on my first visit here. It was stunning. And there are plenty of other falls to check out besides that one.

Fred Meyers Sushi Bar

I had heard about sushi bar conveyor belts at fancy sushi places but didn't expect to see one at Fred Meyers. This is amazing.


Prime dumpster diving on the Waterfront! This canvas 'tarp' thingy turned out to be the best thing I ever found in a dumpster. I believe K is using it to this day to line her car's boot


K and I went out for breakfast last weekend, all the way to NE PDX to GRAVY. Gravy is amazing: ginormous portions, that are tasty as hell. Good stuff. We'd been there before, but had sat at a table. This time we sat at the bar, where you can see the cook and his minions cooking your breakfast and the breakfast of myriad other Portlanders. This guy has it down to a science! His kitchen is well choreographed. He looks like an army cook I did KP with at Fort Leonard Wood.   By the way I am still pissed that I was doing KP the day my company learned how to use the LAW (light anti-tank weapon) and the Machine gun. I will never get over missing that. Freaking KP sucks.

I finally made it to PDX

Have been wanting to move to Portland for ten years or so. It took meeting a very fine woman to finally push me over the edge and get me here. While here, I spend quite a lot of time walking to and from the bus, and on the bus, as well as walking around town with my butch beau... so thought I'd make a photoblog of my adventures. I'll start posting photos soon.

2019 and in 10 days I move back to Portland again. This time, we take her by storm.

TriMet follies

Yesterday, a Friday, it was unusually hot in Portland, so this fellow (who I have seen on the bus before, with shirt on) boarded sans shirt. He's developmentally disabled, but he's a nice enough guy. At any rate, for some reason, the bus was packed to the gills and this guy took it upon himself to direct folks "to the REAR! Go to the REAR!" "MOVE BACK!" and the bus driver was seemingly grateful for his help. He did a good job. But then we stopped at Hollywood Transit Center and an entire middle school class got on the bus for a field trip;. I'm sure that for some of those kids this was their first bus ride and what a ride it was. This guy was their first sight and then they had to pass the old black woman who sat next to me and was carrying on a very animated conversation with an acquaintance across the aisle; whenever a kid got in the line of sight the old woman would berate them and part them like the Red Sea . Poor kids.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Under Portlandia

Starting off my photoblog with a pic taken by my girlfriend while I was on a visit to Portland, my first visit I believe. A great shot of me standing under the Portlandia statue, as if she is welcoming me to her city. I had JUST gotten my first PDX haircut at BISHOPS on HAWTHORNE.

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3 days of peace

I mean, I had three days without Mike around.  Hear keys in the door then there's a woman in my room sitting on my bed and I'm freak...